Manchester Drive-In

Manchester Drive-In
777 South Willow Street
Manchester, NH 03103


  • Listed in business directory starting in 1949
  • Closed in 1972.

Aerial View of the Manchester Drive In Theatre


  1. Edward S

    What was the last movie played at the drive-in before it closed?

    Thank you!

    • creinhardt_pguuam

      Hi Edward,

      I’m not sure! I don’t think I found that much info on the Manchester Drive-In when I did my research. I found some other sites that have a bit more info, but little detail about actual showings:

      If I can find some time I might trawl through the Union Leader’s microfiche to see if I cant find a ‘last showing’ notice, or an article about the closure. I’ll let you know if I can dig anything up!

      • Chris Reinhardt

        Hi Edward,

        I looked through my old notes from this project, and unfortunately didn’t come up with much.

        The only thing potentially useful I found was the date this clipping of the Union Leader was from. Looks like it was published on Friday, August 6th 1982. My notes say page 55, but i’m not sure the UL is organized that way (it’s way more likely to be by section number, like A1, B2, etc.). It’s possible the full story that accompanied this photo might have more detail.

        Fortunately I’ll be back in NH in February. If I have time I may stop in the NH room at the Manchester Public Library to see if I can dig up more info!

  2. John

    I remember watching “the love bug” there when I was a kid!!


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